men and women

The topics that we went over this week in class were defiantly very interesting. The question that we discussed was, are men and women equal? If you really think about it they aren’t. There are not only physical differences, but mental and emotional as well. For example, men are usually better at math than girls. On the ACT the men score higher on the math section. females don’t do as well as men do. Many people believe that men and women should be equal so they wanted to make the math portion of the ACT test easier for the girls to get the same score as the boys. How is that equal in anyway? Basically, we are trying to make women equal to men by changing the way tests are given so women can score the same as the boys.
Another thing we discussed was they physical aspect of the girls verses the guys. Women do not have the same physical structure as boys. We watched a video as a homework assignment and in that video, there was a part where women were training with the fire department. The women in the training were struggling big time. They couldn’t lift people over their shoulders or even put the ladder up against the building.  Women can not do everything that men can, that is just a plain fact.
Many people also believe that as parents we force our kids to act more like boys or girls. Well this isn’t entirely the case. In the video we watched it was saying how within the first couple of day of birth you can start to see a behavioral difference between the boys and the girls. The example they showed was that the girls were more into moving their mouths than the boys. The boys would just kind of sit there and not move their mouth hardly at all. Anther thing we talked about was how the world thinks we steer our kids into what gender we want them to be in a way. For example, they would say how we always give girls dolls and boys trucks. By doing that we are in a way forcing them to like what type of toys they should be playing with based on their gender. Well a study showed that when you place a toy truck and a doll in front of a little girl, she will go for the doll, and when you do the same for a boy he will grab the truck. We do not force our kids to play with toy according to their gender. They pick out the toys for themselves.
In the class we kept discussing the differences between a man and a woman. One of the things that I found interesting was that men and women use different parts of their brain. Men and women think completely differently. Women tend to connect thing better than men and can focus on more than one thing at a time, while men think better and only focus on one task at a time. So now is the question that gets you thinking. Why would God want to put a man and a woman together despite all their difference? Well one of the main reasons is because a man and a woman complement each other. They each have different characteristics or skills to balance each other out. The other thing we discussed was that they learn how to work through those differences. We all have things that bug us and drive us absolutely crazy, but once you’re married or are seriously dating someone you have to be able to work through those differences and figure out how to deal with them as a couple.


  1. Women aren't meant to do everything a man can, we do everything that men cannot do!! Try giving birth men!!!


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