Fathers and Incomes

This week in class we were talking about the mother and father’s role in the home, but also things that can be positives and negatives in the home. Those things included incomes, education, and things that cause stress.
During class we talked about he role of mothers and how they are usually the ones at home with the kids. Mothers teach the kids life skills in the home that they need to know on a daily basis. Then we started taking about the roles of fathers in the home. Our teacher asked us what we thought of when he mentioned the word fathers. As we all started discussing what we thought and one of the things that was said was that fathers fill in what the mothers can’t. As we all know mothers are pretty awesome, but they can’t do everything. They need help, and that is where fathers come in. Fathers can help fill the aspect of fixing things around the yard. Teaching their kids about cars, but mainly heavy manual labor in my opinion. Fathers help prepare their kids for the outside world by teaching them important skills just like the mother does.  Other things that were said was that fathers protect, preside, and provide. With protecting it is clear that a father has responsibly to keep their family safe, not just from outside harm, but from inside harm as well. What I mean by that could be from other family members and technology influences. Fathers preside, buy being the leader of the family, but it is important to teach your kids that the father and mother work as one together. Obviously, the way fathers provide is by going to work and earning money for the family to live off of. Another thing we discussed was when that father is not at home. One of the things that I found interesting was when a father is in the home welfare benefits go down, but when he is not in the home that family can receive welfare benefits up to $63,000 per year. Another thing that I think is pretty obvious is that when that father is not at home the bond with his kids will not be as strong as the mother’s bond with the kids.
Next we talked about how having two incomes can cause problems in the home. The first reason is pretty obvious. The kids are less available to their kids’ needs, kids need their parents and when the parents are too busy with work the kids don’t get the attention that they need. The net reason is that it can become a competition between the husband and wife. What I mean by this is kind of like who can work the most or who can earn the most amount of money. Another reason that can affect the married couple is that the Husband might feel like he has failed because hi wife now has to go work to get money. If they need the extra help than this might be a little different, but if the wife just wants more money that can cause a tear in the relationship. Another reason is that when both are working, they can tend to delay from having kids. Many say that they can wait until they have enough money, but some just get too caught up in their work life.
The last thing we talked about was if it is important for the woman to receive an education. Overall as a class we agreed that it would be good for a woman to get an education. The thing that came up the most was in case something happened to her husband she would be able to step up and help provide for the family. Another thing was in case of divorce the woman would be able to provide for herself and her kids if she has some. Another reason we talked about was that it is an example to kids that receiving an education is important.


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